Flowers and plants

Flower Sanpo Road Coloring Book

Flower Sanpo Road Coloring Book
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Price: 23,63 EUR
EAN: 9784074489183
Status: temporarily unavailable
product Description

A healing coloring book that makes you feel like taking a walk in the flowery landscape of the beautiful islands of the world with a little bird. The author thought about the islands around the world. Feel free to color the islands of the world with your favorite colors and create "your world" as you wish. When you're busy, it's recommended to take a quick look without applying it, or to apply a little when you feel like it, as it will be a good change. Anyway, don't think "I have to apply it cleanly" or "I have to finish it", just relax and feel free to apply it. Posted Islands [: Santorini, New Caledonia, Oahu / Maui, Taiwan, Java / Bali, Malta, Brano, New Zealand, Sky, Iceland, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Canary Islands, Prince Edward Island , Tahiti, Fiji, Cuba, Phuket, Fernando Denoronia Islands, Jamaica, New Guinea Islands, Easter Island, Sicilian Island, Cebu Island, Bahama Island, Mauritius Island, Madaka Skull Island, Yaku Island, Hachijo Island, Sado Island, Okinawa Islands]

Publishing language:japanese
Author:Aikawa Sora
Size:250x250 mm
Publication month:August
Publication year:2021
Published in:Japan
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