Elves, fairies and angels

Journey to the Sunny Land Coloring Book

Journey to the Sunny Land Coloring Book
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Price: 12,17 EUR
Manufacturer: decomade.pl
EAN: 9788395553370
Status: available 48 H
product Description

The pages of the book you have in your hand contain drawings created in parallel with the "Sunny Land" project for Children's Home No. 16 in Warsaw imbued with the same thought and spirit. The leading theme of the "expedition" is the search for fluid, organic lines and spiral shapes that have always fascinated me and which I could not resist. It is very likely that some of the graphics will appear on the walls of the Children's Home in the form of large paintings in the future - just like this has already happened with several drawings from my previous book "The News Carries in the Forest". Your colorful work can be a valuable inspiration for me :)

Inside you will find 10 graphics printed twice: once on 160g white paper and once on 150g ecru paper. The whole thing is prepared in the form of a block with the possibility of tearing out the pages.

Inside you will also find a leaflet with details about the "Sunny Land" project with a link to a money collection for art materials.

The graphic for the front cover was colored by @monikakakum - her work was selected from among others sent to the competition organized by decomade.pl

Publishing language:polish - english
Author:Anna Miarczyńska
Size:220x220 mm
Publication month:December
Publication year:2023
Published in:Poland
Paper thickness:Medium
Printing:single page
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